Cheapest HepC Treatment
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Every year one of the most searched terms for HepC is “Cheapest HepC Treatment” or something related to it. HepC treatments are very expensive so it makes sense that patients with HepC try to find the lowest cost option that will cure them. The good news is that the newest Hepatitis C drugs are very effective and cure most patients but it comes with a high cost. There are many HepC treatments offered for patients that offer up to 99% success rates for patients with certain types of Hepatitis C but differ:
1. In price. All the different HepC drugs have different costs to the patient ranging from just over $20,000 up to almost $100,000.
2. Treatment length. Most HepC drugs are taken for three months but there is one Hepatitis C treatment that only takes 2 months to work. Hint: That is the cheapest HepC treatment but we’ll get to that in a minute.
3. Type of HepC treated. Different HepC medications have different success rates for different types of Hepatitis C. For example Epclusa treats all types of Hepatitis C very effectively but some are more effective than others for different types (called genotypes) of HepC. It is very important to know what type the patient has to choose the best treatment option.
We have chosen 4 well-known Hepatitis C drugs to review that are FDA approved for treatment and widely available. Here they are with their prices and recommended treatment times.
1. Harvoni – 3 months @ $33,179
2. Eplcusa – 3 months @ $26,250.26
3. Mavyret – 2 months @ $13,909
4. Generic Harvoni – 3 months @ $12,249.50
Harvoni Generic is the least expensive HepC Treatment per month but requires 3 months of Treatment. So the cheapest HepC Treatment is Mavyret which only requires 2 months of treatment to cure HepC.
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Blue Key offers affordable cancer treatment and Hepatitis C treatment in the Bahamas under the supervised medical care of Dr. Kevin Bethel at Freeport Family Wellness Centre.